Thursday 15 September 2011

Watering and Fertilizing your Indoor Herb Garden Plants

By Joseph Robertson

Unless it's the middle of summer and there has not been enough rain, watering your outside plants is mostly not required (or not quite often). But indoor herb garden plants rely on you as a source of water and extra nutrients in the form of fertilizer. It is important to grasp the individual water and nutrient needs of each plant to keep them healthy.

As mentioned, individual plants will require different quantities of water to keep them growing optimally. But what all plants do like is moist soil. If you are concerned about over-watering your plant, make sure that the pot you select has a good drainage system. With holes in the base of the pot or gravel inside the pot the soil and plant will suck up the obligatory water and the excess will run out through the bottom.

If your houseplants are not prospering irrespective of what you do, there are two things take a look into. If you're using tap water to water your plants there might be too much chlorine or salt present. A solution to this is to utilise distilled or filtered water or you can leave a container outside to gather rainwater. Either option is satisfactory and may be the change you want to make to grow healthier plants.

Choosing to fertilize your plants is an alternative way to give them a boost. Manure contains nutriments and elements that plants need to grow. Indoors plants don't want as much fertilizer as their out of doors counterparts do. Due to a gentler rate of expansion, feed your plants minimal manure. In winter time you can probably skip this step altogether.

The spring or summer time is the best time to fertilize indoor plants. This is during their growing phase when they need the extra nutrient elements the most.

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